Friday, August 26, 2011

It's time to Step up for Down Syndrome!

A little over three years ago our lives changed in a major way.  We had a new baby boy, who was healthy and strong and cute as a button.  There was just one little thing that made him different.  He has an extra twenty first chromosome.  We were lucky to have received such a blessing. 
Now Ben is a happy, healthy 3 year old pre-schooler.  He loves to play, read books and sing songs.   He is really starting to enjoy all the outings that we get to do with the Down Syndrome Association for Families of Nebraska.  They host many events throughout the year including a Christmas party, Spring Ball night, Summer Swim party and of course in the fall the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk.  Ben is very social and really enjoys seeing all of his friends. 
The Step up Walk raises positive community awareness and celebrates that individuals with Down syndrome are more alike everyone else, than they are different.  This year's walk is scheduled for October 1, 2011.  It is held at Antelope Park in Lincoln and begins at 8:00 am.  If you would like to join us at the walk, or donate to a very worthy organization, please click here to go to Ben's personal  page on our new walk website. 
We appreciate your support.

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