Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love to All This Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

While today is a great day to celebrate the romantic  love in your life, it is also a great day to celebrate the love of family and friends, who are special to your family.

We have been blessed with wonderfully supportive people both near and far and for that we are thankful.  I hope you feel how much you are loved this Valentine's Day.

This year Ben will be celebrating at school with his class.  I could not think of a more appropriate Valentine for him to give to his friends than Signing Time Valentines.  Hopefully he does not try to pull all the gummy Life Savers off before he hands them out.  He got to sample them as we were putting them together, and found that he loved them.  I hope the rest of his class loves them too. 

Two weeks ago, when I was buying the candy for Ben's Valentines, I asked Noah, "Do I need to buy candy or Valentines for you to give to your class?"  He answered no with a look that told me that he was way to old for such childish things.  That's fine, I thought, he is ready to grow up, so I won't push it.  I forgot all about it until last night at 10:10 when Noah frantically asked "Mom, Where are my Valentines and treats?  I need to have 30 for my grade!"

What the #$%^@?

He had just been in Lincoln with his Dad at one of his basketball games.  He could have easily picked something up.  But No!  Not my procrastinating kid.  I quick did a search of the cupboards to try to find something for a treat.  Due to food allergies at the school we are not allowed to make homemade treats, so I needed to find something packaged.  Then I spotted it, the 60 pack of hot cocoa mix.  Not the most conventional treat, but it is still winter in Nebraska, so hot chocolate is not that far of a stretch. Right?  I made a quick trip to the storage room and found a box marked Valentine's Day where I scored a whole bunch of old Valentines including some NBA ones.  Perfect for a 10 year old who loves basketball.  So 20 minutes later, the Valentines were made out, attached to the hot cocoa packets, and little mister procrastinator was off to bed. 

Then this morning I got up to find a huge box of chocolates and a lovely card on my computer from my loving husband.  What a great way to start my day.

Ben and I are off to the library now to do a Signing Story Time with a Valentines flair.

Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. LOL...Great job on pulling that off with such short notice! My kids are famous for pulling that last minute crap with me.


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