Here are a few pictures from the Louisville game.
Ben and Noah were not quite ready to give up on the stomach flu and decided to get it again last week. This version lasted a bit longer, and made them feel worse. Then they were gracious enough to share it with me. No fun. Ben decided twice was not enough and got it just one more time for good measure. I did not know a baby could vomit that much. He was only a little bit cranky this time and slept pretty good except for when he threw up in his crib. Since he was running a fever off and on, we went in to the Dr. just to make sure it was the stomach flu and not something more serious. With surgery coming up to replace the tubes in his ears, they decided to do the antibiotic shot this time. Wow! That did the trick. It was like someone just turned off the snot faucet and all of a sudden he was better. Now we just need to keep him that way until surgery. That will be the hard part. Hopefully the Lysol bomb that I set off in the house Monday will do the tick and keep the germs at bay.
glad you all had a good bday celebration. hope everyone is feeling better soon. we cant seem to get rid of our allergies and sinus and ear infections at our house. ugh!