I know I'm not ready to have a 10 year old. That means that I will be that much closer to having a teenager. EEK! Ready or not, I will have a 10 year old tomorrow.
We started our weekend of celebration yesterday by going to Skate Daze in Omaha for a play event with the OPDSN. I was hoping we would get to meet a few more parents, but we got there a bit late, and most of the parents were chasing down their kids to take them home by the time we got there. Maybe next time.
Next we had a late lunch at the Amazing Pizza Machine. The boys enjoyed glow golf, go carts and lots of games. John did very well with the Deal or No Deal game where he got down to 2 suitcases for the 2 highest amounts (200 and 400 tickets). He ended up taking the deal for 300 which was a good thing because he had 200 in his case. After playing the games the boys had another light snack at the buffet, before going shopping.
Ben enjoyed all the noise and action. He was showing off his sitting skills at Skate Daze, and enjoyed sitting up in a big chair at the pizza buffet. He had apple sauce, banana pudding, jello and bread.
Today we enjoyed the lunch buffet at Mahoney State Park. Grandma and Grandpa, and Uncle Steve and his family were able to join us to celebrate both the B-day and Grandma and Grandpa's 45th anniversary.
Tomorrow will be treats at school, and the final day of the celebration.
Noah is continuing to have a rough time with giving up the thumb habit. He can have a rational discussion about it during the day, but at night time when he really needs to suck it, it is a whole different story. We may have to break down and get the plate put in yet.
I'm having problems getting the pictures downloaded, but will add them to this post as soon as I can get the battery recharged on the camera.